I’m all for people having as much and as varied sex as they like; but I want to dissent from the normalization of polyamory. Most people struggle to find ONE person who’ll stick with them through the slings and arrows of fate. Meanwhile these people are trying to sponge up as many people as possible. Not just for one night stands, but emotionally too. It strikes me as a greedy self indulgence of the fairly healthy and attractive. Sleep with whoever you like while you can, but spare me talk of your pseudo-utopian “philosophy” or that you’re a “community.” As an aside I would also add “ethical non monogamy” = boring non monogamy. Where’s the naughty thrill? I’m only half joking. My real point is this is another vain attempt to tame the untamable: the human libido. Doomed to fail and, I predict, be a passing fad.

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What happened to that age-old, infamous emotion called jealousy? Are we so enlightened now that we don't feel it for a lover, or have we just gotten so inundated by literally everything that we've stopped feeling period?

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Sociopolitical commentary doesn’t get much stupider than this.

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Polyamory sounds good when you're young but may well lead to loneliness in old age. I'm happy to have lived 50 years with the love of my life.

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