I'm an adult learning designer. We facilitate using Applied Improvisation and other experiential tools, to increase positive connection and empathy between team members.

Silos are often a legacy of previous generations of leaders; most people, when given the invitation and opportunity to be open and share (ideas, resources, and expertise), become far more agreeable.

It takes work to break down the "us versus them," and its the most rewarding work I do.

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Where my mind went was that Machiavellian types typically fall under the 8 Enneagram type. And their path to positive transformation (positive shadow) is a 2 - which is generally the most agreeable, giving, "nice" type.

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It goes back to that probe of a "motivated" crowd, "Who wants change?!"

They enthusiastically respond, "We do!!!"

Recurrently, "Who wants to change?!!"


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