Olga, thank you so much for sharing my work. I’m so happy it’s been useful to you. This story is a total blast from my past--it's 100% true and makes me smile whenever I think of it. I never saw her again and hope her birth process was as comfortable as it could be. I'm a Texan transplanted to New England, so given the finding that disclosure should be "sustained, escalating, reciprocal, and personalistic," I definitely wasn't prepared to start with oiled perineums. Next time, I'll be ready!

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I deal with my social anxiety by over sharing in a big way. It’s probably why I always fail job interviews. Here in New England, though, such instant intimacy is viewed with great suspicion. No one wants to hear about my thongs. Perhaps this is why I get along so well with my dental hygienist, who is Polish, and why most of my friends are therapists.

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Olga, I love that you're exploring this! I wrote about oversharing for the NYT because I was curious about that line too: https://www.nytimes.com/2021/09/15/well/live/dating-over-sharing.html

I usually want that sweet, sweet TMI. Lay it on me. Sometimes TMI is endearing if done with humility or a sense of humor. Maybe as journalists we have a higher tolerance for self-disclosure. We're like, "Just tell me what's really going on here" lol.

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"With other people, though, you will still be talking about the weather on your 17th hangout—and maybe you both like that, so that’s also fine!" This made me laugh

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I am a Yank living in Texas who hates light, fluffy small talk. How did/do you deal with Texans? Everything here is light, fluffy, and courteous.

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I think the alternative to an “adult friend” is a “childhood friend” or maybe a “college friend”, referring to when you befriended them rather than their current age.

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